Foliar Application of Calcium silicate Alleviate the Deleterious Effect of African Armyworm on Maize Plants
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Maize is one of the key determinants of food security around the world. In Africa, the productivity of maize is not yet satisfactory, as its yield, quantity and quality of the maize plant is degraded by African armyworm infestation. Widespread indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides undermines the pest control, and therefore the use of biodegradable botanical substances such as Calcium silicate is of utmost importance. Two varieties of maize (TZm-223 and TZm-224) were subjected to different concentration of Calcium silicate at 0, 100 150 and 200 mM. Thereafter, the Calcium silicate was further used to enhanced the growth traits, plant biomass, photosynthetic pigments, antioxidants contents and enzyme activities of maize under African armyworm infestation. The results revealed that different concentrations of Calcium silicate improve the growth traits such as plant heights, leaf area, leaf area ratio, net assimilation rate and plant biomass of the two maize varieties. Chlorophylls and carotenoid accumulation, antioxidant contents and enzyme activities were significantly (p≤0.05) influenced by Calcium silicate. Application of different concentration of Calcium silicate significantly enhanced the leaf area, net assimilation, leaf area ratio, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, carotenoid, TSS, SOD and APX of the two varieties of maize under African armyworm infestation. The two varieties of maize responded differently to different concentrations under the infestation. Calcium silicate can therefore stand to be effective measures for improving the yield and productivity of maize and, managing and controlling African armyworm infestation.
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