BioFunctional Properties and Nutrient Components of Common Nigerian Cowpea Accessions

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Ezekiel Olowolaju
Gideon. O. Okunlola
Oluwabunmi O. Arogundade


Various cowpea varieties are grown in Nigeria, each possessing distinct characteristics and potential nutritional properties. Four most consumed cowpea varieties in Nigeria namely Drum (big and small), Oloyin, Sokoto white (big and small) were characterized based on their biofunctional properties and nutrients composition. The biofunctional properties examined were rate of water absorption, water absorption capacity and swelling capacity. Antinutrients, mineral nutrients, proximate composition, saturated fatty acid and essential amino acids of the seeds of the cowpea varieties were determined using standard procedures. The result showed that cowpea  varieties which are  rough and wrinkle (Drum small and big) were loosely attached to the cotyledons, while the  seed  coat of cowpea which are smooth  and wrinkle  remain moderately  firm  and intact. Drum (big) variety has highest Rate of Water Absorption and Water Absorption Capacity, Sokoto white (big) has the highest Swelling Content. Antinutrients (alkaloid, tannin, total, soluble sugar, and ascorbic acid (vitamn c)) and most of the saturated fatty acid composition were observed to be present in larger amount in Oloyin variety.  Highest mineral elements were obtained in Drum (big)  and Sokoto white (small) varieties. Protein, carbohydrate, fats, ash and crude fibre were more in Sokoto white (small) variety. Meanwhile, Sokoto white (big) have the highest arginine and leucine, Drum (big) has the highest lysine, tryptophan and phenylalanine. Thus, biofunctional properties and nutrients composition vary considerably among different varieties of cowpeas. the choice of the cowpea seeds to consume between this variety is dependent on the actual nutrient being sourced for.

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How to Cite
Olowolaju, E., Okunlola, G. O., & Arogundade, O. O. (2024). BioFunctional Properties and Nutrient Components of Common Nigerian Cowpea Accessions. Algerian Journal of Biosciences, 5(01), 035–043.


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