Diversity and distribution patterns of reptiles in the northern Algerian Sahara (Oued Souf, Taibet and Touggourt)
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The present study was based on the observations and captures of reptiles in the Northern Algerian Sahara (2011-2013). Thirty homogeneous stations, representing the principal landscape units and ecosystems, were investigated. The studied ecosystems were the erg (sand dunes), saline areas (Chott, Sebkha), reg, palm groves, and urban sites. We have identified 30 species (20 Saurians, 9 Ophidians and one Testudines). The inventory concerns 2 orders (Testudines and Squamata), 12 families and 22 genera. Among the identified species, seven were protected in Algeria, 5 species (Tarentola deserti, Tarentola neglecta, Trapelus tournevillei, Hemorrhois algirus and Natrix Maura) are endemic according to U.I.C.N. The number of species in the different IUCN Red List Categories shows that 28 are assessed as Least Concern, one specie is considered to be Data Deficient (Scincopus fasciatus) and One species is listed as near threatened (Uromastix acanthinurus). The species distribution according to the habitat types showed that he erg was the most populated ecosystem with the highest number of captured individuals (403 individuals). The highest species richness was noticed in the palm groves with 19 species as well as the Shannon diversity index (3.34). The evenness is at its highest in the saline and the urban site with 0.89 and 0.81. The correspondence factorial analysis showed that some species were characteristic of habitats such as Tarentola neglecta and T. deserti which are detected as a specific species of the urban sites and the palm groves, while Scincus was a specific species of the Erg. The generalized linear model showed that the geographic coordinates (altitude, longitude and latitude), the spatio-temporal factors (habitat type; climatic period) and human pressure have significant effects on the abundance variation of the studied reptiles.
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