A new locality of an invasive Gecko, Cyrtopodion scabrum (Heyden,1827) in Algeria (Squamata: Gekkonidae)
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The Rough Bent-toed Gecko Cyrtopodion scabrum (Heyden,1827) was recently recorded in Algeria, from the east part of countries. In this note, another new locality of this species in the central Algeria (Ghardaïa region), situated at 450 km west form the last locality, based on one specimen fond in Bord of Sebkhet. C. scabrum is listed as an invasive species and it was reported as a desert species, in our finding it was recorded in an important wetland (Sebkhet El Melah) which is classified in the Ramsar list in 2004, this statement proves once again the ecological plasticity of this species.
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