Potential hepatoprotective effect of the crude extract of Lepidium sativum on an experimental model of hepatotoxicity
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To investigate the effect of the high paracetamol doses on liver damage, we developed an experimental model of hepatotoxicity induced by paracetamol. In our study, we were interested in the evaluation of the potential hepatoprotective effect of the methanolic extract of Lepidium sativum (L.sativum ME). The latter, was prepared by maceration in methanol and then analyzed qualitatively, using staining and precipitation methods. Mice were randomly allocated into four groups: Ctrl, Paracetamol, ME (200mg/Kg) /Paracetamol and Paracetamol groups /ME (400 mg/Kg). Mice were euthanized and associated indications were investigated to evaluate the histological changes in the liver of the different groups as well as the degree of liver damage caused by paracetamol with and without treatment. With regard to our results, we have noted with interest a hepatoprotective effect of L.sativum ME. Indeed, our results indicate an improvement of the anatomopathological architecture of the hepatic sections following treatment with L.sativum ME. These observations could promote a potential target for the treatment of hepatic injury.
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