Biochemical and histoarchitectural changes in the liver, kidney and heart after oral administration of Viscum album leaf extract in oestradiol valerate-treated female rats

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Dr Falilat Adeola Osen
Musa Toyin Yakubu
Elizabeth Abidemi Balogun
Amadu Salau


Effect of Viscum album leaf aqueous extract (VALEA) on biochemical parameters of oestradiol valerate (OV)-treated female rats was assessed. Group A rats received 0.5 ml of distilled water (control), the OV-treated rats (Groups B – F) were respectively administered 0.5 ml of distilled water, metformin (2.4 mg/kg bdwt), 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg bdwt of VALEA for 30 days. OV treatment significantly (p<0.05) decreased liver and serum ALP, liver GGT and serum hexokinase. Also significantly reduced were levels of total bilirubin, urea, K+ and HDL. Activities of kidney ALP, liver and serum ALT, serum AST, serum GGT as well as unconjugated bilirubin, blood glucose, Na+, HCO3-, FFAs, triacylglycerols and VLDLs were elevated by OV treatment, which also induced liver fat and myocarditis. Significantly (p>0.05) unaffected by the OV treatment were liver AST, serum total proteins, albumin, globulin, conjugated bilirubin, creatinine, uric acid, Cl-, TC, atherogenic index and the kidney histoarchitecture. Administration of VALEA reversed the OV-induced biochemical alterations and the liver and cardiac histoarchitectural integrity in a manner that compared well with metformin in some parameters and doses. The results showed that VALEA has the potential to ameliorate OV-induced biochemical and histoarchitectural alterations in female rats.

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How to Cite
Osen, D. F. A., Yakubu, M. T., Balogun, E. A., & Salau, A. (2024). Biochemical and histoarchitectural changes in the liver, kidney and heart after oral administration of Viscum album leaf extract in oestradiol valerate-treated female rats. Algerian Journal of Biosciences, 5(01), 001–012.


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