Phytoremediation of Lead Contaminated Soil with the Help of Bambusa vulgaris
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Phytoremediation is a green emerging technology used to remove and degrade pollutants from soil and water. In this study, plants of B. vulgaris were grown in the soils, which are artificially contaminated by lead below the WHO level (12 mg/kg) and above the WHO level (72 mg/kg). After 3 months, accumulations of the lead metal were analysed in roots, leaves, and stem with the help of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (Perkin Elmer analyst 400). Significant decrease in level of Pb has been noted in both the treatments. Decrease in Pb level was 3.6% and 18.7% of control (0.09 and 0.43 mg/kg). It was concluded that the plant B. vulgaris is a very good phytoremediation tool to remove Pb metal from the soil
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