Experimental investigation and artificial intelligence modeling of stability of Agbabu Bitumen Emulsion using green-based surfactant





Emulsion, Agbabu bitumen, Stability, Characterization, Artificial intelligence


One of the challenges that affected the optimal utilization of 42.47 billion tons of natural bitumen deposit in Nigeria is its high viscosity and high pumping cost in current state. This research investigated the possibility of reducing viscosity of Agbabu Bitumen (AB) through formation of emulsion using plant sourced surfactant solution. AB Emulsion (ABE) was prepared by homogenizing 60 vol. % of bitumen and 40 vol. % of water in the presence of surfactant solution extracted from Sanya root bark (surfactant solution was varied with respect to the volume of aqueous phase). Effect of increase in volume of extract, pH and salinity of extract was tested on the stability of the prepared emulsion. Emulsification Stability Index (ESI) was computed for all ABE prepared. Viscosity, pour, flash and fire point were determined for the emulsion formed while further analysis were conducted on the emulsion using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) and Fourier Transform Infrared  (FTIR) spectroscopy. The surfactant solution extracted ABE prepared from AB and water which was enhanced in alkaline solution, a 64% reduction in viscosity was recorded in emulsion prepared, and the pour point of emulsion drastically reduced when compared with that of AB.


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Experimental investigation and artificial intelligence modeling of stability of Agbabu Bitumen Emulsion using green-based surfactant




How to Cite

Olabemiwo, O. M., Salam, K. K., Araromi, D. O., Aremu, M. O., Arinkoola, A. O., & Faro, A. A. (2024). Experimental investigation and artificial intelligence modeling of stability of Agbabu Bitumen Emulsion using green-based surfactant. Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 9(1), 84–103. https://doi.org/10.57056/ajet.v9i1.163

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