Enhancing Energy Efficiency for Optimal Multiple Photovoltaic DG and DSTATCOM Integration for Techno-Economic and Environmental Analysis: A Case Study of Adrar City Distribution System
PV Distributed Generated, DSTATCOM, Efficient Energy, Optimal Integration, Weight Inertia PSO Algorithm, Multi-Objective Function, Power Distribution SystemAbstract
The insertion of renewable energy resources in existing distribution systems has effectively improved its performance and operation. This paper presents the efficiency of the optimal integration of multiple Photovoltaic DG (PV-DG), and Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) simultaneously in a practical Power Distribution System (PDS), through the maximization of the Multi-objective function (MOF) based on the Real Power Loss Level (RPLL), the Short Circuit Level (SCL), the Voltage Deviation Level (VDL), the Net Saving Level (NSL), and Environmental Pollution Reduction Level (EPRL) by various Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization (IW-PSO) algorithms. The proposed IW-PSO algorithms applied in the practical Adrar city 205-bus distribution system in Algeria. The obtained results prove the efficiency of the algorithms in terms of achieving the minimum power loss and improvement of the voltage profiles, the EIW-PSO exhibits the best results of MOF compared to other algorithms.
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