Simulation and Analysis of I(V) and P(V) Characteristics of a Photovoltaic module under MATLAB/SIMULINK Connected to the Electrical Grid
Solar Energy, Photovoltaic Cell, Simulation, MATLAB/SIMULINK, Electrical gridAbstract
The objective of our work is the simulation and analysis of the I(V) and P(V) characteristics of a photovoltaic module under MATLAB/SIMULINK connected to the electrical network. To achieve this goal, we followed the following steps: At the start of work; we performed a simulation of a photovoltaic cell (photovoltaic module). By two methods: by simulation of the mathematical data of the model of a photovoltaic module inspired by the electrical diagram of a photovoltaic cell, by the use of the mathematical equations of: inverse saturation current, saturation current, photonic current, current of the shunt resistance, and the output current to create from each equation a model in MATLAB/SIMULINK, then we collect and connect these models according to the mathematical equation to obtain the final model of the output current of a photovoltaic module, and on the other hand by simulation through the model of the solar cell which exists in the SIMULINK library by checking the data of each box coming from this source. then we showed the Simulation of the BOOST converter with MPPT, and we presented the functional diagram of the PV generator and the BOOST converter with MPPT under MATLAB/SIMULINK, In the same context, we showed the voltage curve at the output of the command MMPT in MATLAB, the current curve at the output of the chopper booster, the curve of the voltage measured at the converter, the curve of the current measured at the converter, the curves of the phase currents of the network and the reference current, and the curve of PV generator power and Pmpp power At the end of the work, we connected this photovoltaic module to an electrical network, to see the impact of our network on the photovoltaic module and vice versa. Finally we explained and interpreted the results obtained according to our points of view.
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