Morphological properties of heat treated date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in postharvest


  • Mohamed Marouf Aribi Higher National School of Biotechnology-Taoufik Khaznadar, Constantine, Algeria.
  • Mustapha Khali The Technical Center for Agri-Food Industry (CTIAA), Ibn Khaldoun Street Boumerdès B.P 71A, Algeria.



Postharvest, Date, Heat treatment, Morphological, Characteristics


In this research, fresh harvested date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) was treated with heat treatment at 55 ±2°C for 20 min in a ventilated oven. The effect of this heat treatment on date fruits quality was investigated during 5 months of storage at room temperature storage 22 ±1°C of temperature with 75 to 80% of relative humidity (RH), and 10 ±1°C with 85 to 90% of relative humidity (RH). Morphological characteristics of the samples were studied. Results indicated that during storage the morphological characteristics changed significantly. The width of date samples stored at 10°C is significant compared to heat-treated and not heat-treated samples stored at room temperature. The major change was observed for the sample of heat-treated dates stored at 10 ±1°C has the highest weight compared to the other samples of the dates studied. The R-Index quality showed a rate of 8.56% and which increased in heat-treated dates to reach 8.87%. Harvesting at Tamr stage followed by treating the fruits with heat treatment, showed to be a promising method for maintaining date palm fruit storage quality.


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Morphological properties of heat treated date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in postharvest




How to Cite

Aribi, M. M., & Khali, M. (2022). Morphological properties of heat treated date fruits (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in postharvest. Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(1), 55–62.