Effect of gamma radiation on the antibacterial activity of Syzygium aromaticum


  • Samia Hadj Rabia Department of Nuclear Applications, Nuclear Research Center of Draria, Algeria
  • Yamina Hadj Rabia Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology ,Faculty of Biological Science, University of Science and Technology, Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria;
  • Fatima Benmoussa Department of Nuclear Applications, Nuclear Research Center of Draria, Algeria
  • Sarah Medjber Department of Nuclear Applications, Nuclear Research Center of Draria, Algeria
  • Ramy Nouri Department of Nuclear Applications, Nuclear Research Center of Draria, Algeria
  • Amine Mokhtari Department of Nuclear Applications, Nuclear Research Center of Draria, Algeria
  • Belkacem Mansouri Department of operational exploitation and maintenance of the experimental platform, Nuclear Research Center of Algiers, Algeria




Syzygium aromaticum, polyphenols, flavonoids, antibacterial activity, Gamma radiation


Irradiation is known as an effective method for decontamination and preservation of chemical and nutritional properties of various medicinal herbs and spices. This study was undertaken to evaluate the influence of irradiation dose (10kGy) on the antibacterial potency of Syzygium aromaticum (clove), plant known for its various biological properties notably its powerful antimicrobial power. Syzygium aromaticum (S. aromaticum) extract, prepared by maceration in methanol, was characterized by phytochemical analysis and colorimetric determination of chemical compounds. The antibacterial potential was also evaluated against this extract by observing growth inhibition zones. The result of gamma radiation effect on the clove, showed the preservation of main chemical constituents, with a significant increase in the content of total polyphenols and flavonoids. The methanolic extract of S. aromaticum revealed an inhibitory effect on the resistant strains, which improved significantly under the gamma radiation effect. These results seem very encouraging and suggest using gamma radiation as procedure to decontaminate the medicinal herbs and spices and improve the composition of extracts in bioactive molecules as well as their biological activities.


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Effect of gamma radiation on the antibacterial activity of Syzygium aromaticum




How to Cite

Hadj Rabia , S., Hadj Rabia , Y., Benmoussa , F., Medjber , S., Nouri , R., Mokhtari , A., & Mansouri , B. (2023). Effect of gamma radiation on the antibacterial activity of Syzygium aromaticum. Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology, 8(2), 156–160. https://doi.org/10.57056/ajet.v8i2.115